Uniqueness of the client based on demographic and cultural dimensions and characteristics

HN502-2: Examine the uniqueness of the client based on demographic and cultural dimensions and characteristics.

PC-6.3: Integrate standards of the field and ethical principles into the problem-solving process.

For this assignment, you will discuss the role of advocacy and social change when working with clients of Asian, Asian American, or Pacific Island (AAPI) heritage. Begin by choosing a culturally diverse ethnic population among the AAPI group (Southeast Asians, Chinese, Korean, Laotian, Polynesians, Filipino, Taiwanese, etc.). Additionally, you may select a social location of this ethnic group further by selecting an additional characteristic of intersectionality (age, ability, class, gender, language preference, religion, sexual orientation, etc.).

Please answer the following:

  • Identify the culturally diverse ethnic group of AAPI heritage you have selected.
  • Briefly discuss the historical background and changing demographics of this group, including factors of socio-economic inequalities and poverty.
  • Choose one social problem that is unique to the group. Explain why you chose this problem and how it has impacted the group.
  • As a human services professional, describe in detail the cultural competency skills that can be applied towards advocacy and social change for cross-cultural service delivery. What steps can you take towards the social problem you have chosen for this group?
  • What are some ethical challenges you might face as a human services professional when advocating for social change for this group? Discuss how the NOHS Ethical Standards can guide you when addressing ethical challenge(s).

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