Use current empirical literature to evaluate ethical, legal, and forensic issues as they impact clinical practice.

As you have been learning, neuropsychologists are able to identify brain activity and mental processes related to thinking, learning, and memory. One theoretical construct that has been impacted by neuropsychological research is our understanding of the way memories develop and the fallibility of human memory. Neuropsychological research on memory has significant implications for legal and forensic settings where memory is often relied upon for information in the context of court cases and investigations. This assignment will help you to solidify your understanding of the neuropsychology of thinking, learning, and memory as well as practice applying research in neuropsychology to ethical, legal, and forensic issues. For this assignment, you will create a 5-minute video presentation exploring the ethical, legal, and forensic issues involved in eyewitness testimony and false memory. You will assume that you are working as a neuropsychologist and have been asked to testify as an expert witness in the case regarding false memory. As part of testifying, you have also been asked to interview and assess Gina regarding her testimony.

To complete the assignment, you will utilize the following court case scenario:

Gina was walking home from work on a Friday afternoon when she witnessed a robbery at a local convenience store. Gina saw the perpetrator run out of the convenience store wearing a ski mask and jump into a blue sedan. Gina saw the car speed off and run into a stop sign as it drove away. Later that day, the police interviewed Gina as they found 3 suspects for the robbery and the police wanted additional information to determine which of the suspects was involved in the robbery. The police had arrested one suspect who was driving a black hatchback with minor damage on the front bumper. The suspect was in the area shortly after the robbery and had a ski mask in the hatchback of his car. The police asked Gina questions such as “did you see the suspect open the back of the vehicle and put the ski mask in,” “how fast was the black hatchback driving,” and “did you see the suspect driving North after the robbery”? After much thought, Gina became certain that she saw the suspect run out to the car, place the ski mask in the back of the vehicle, and drive north out of the parking lot striking a stop sign before disappearing causing damage to the front of the vehicle. The police charged the suspect with robbery. Later, Gina was called in to testify as an eyewitness during the prosecution of the robbery case. The suspect adamantly denied being involved and also had an alibi for the time of the robbery.

As part of your video presentation, you will need to create a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 10 slides exploring the ethical, legal, and forensic issues involved in false memory and eyewitness testimony.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Apply specific principles from the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct to serving as an expert witness in a court case:
    • Include at least two principles from Section 2: Competence
    • Include at least three principles from Section 4: Privacy and Confidentiality
    • Include at least three principles from Section 9: Assessment
  • Relate research from neuropsychology to show how memories develop and to examine false memories from a neuropsychological perspective.
  • Use what you have learned regarding memory to discuss factors that might impact the court case from clinical, ethical, and legal perspectives.
    • Be sure to discuss research on false memory and explore issues that can lead to false memories developing.
    • Relate research on false memory from neuropsychology to the admissibility of eyewitness testimony in a legal or forensic setting.
    • Apply at least one historical court case on eyewitness testimony to the case scenario and potential issues that should be considered from a legal or forensic perspective.
    • Your PowerPoint should include the following elements:

      • Title slide: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.
      • Content slides: Answer all the questions, reflecting appropriate personal and professional insights.
        • The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and reflect knowledge of skills and practice in neuropsychology.
        • Presentations are visual; therefore, use clear, concise bullet points and avoid crowded slides. You may include the use of graphics and SmartArt to streamline information in a memorable manner. Additionally, images and diagrams are wonderful presentation tools, but be sure to include all required citations. Please review the Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations resource for tips and suggestions. Submissions must be in .pptx format and no larger than 40 MB.
        • Note: Visual effects and some dark-colored themes, such as Slate, may prevent Turnitin from fully processing a PowerPoint file and, consequently, from generating a Similarity Report. Review the file requirements to ensure a report will be generated.
      • Reference slide: Sources listed in current APA format.
        • Include a minimum of two scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions.
      • Use Arial or Times New Roman 24-point font.
      • Use current APA formatting and citation style.
        • Please use this helpful video resource, APA Style Formatting in PowerPoint, to format a PowerPoint by applying current APA style to a title slide; body slides using bullet points, figures, tables, and copyright statements; and a reference list with hanging indentations.

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