In the early childhood (EC) curriculum documents (i.e., Kindergarten guidelines, Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), SCSA Curriculum) play based and inquiry-based pedagogies are the recommended ways of teaching science.
In your critical analysis on the use of play based and inquiry-based pedagogies when teaching science in the early childhood context you must include the role of intentional teaching. In addition, as ICT is one of the general capabilities in the SCSA curriculum, you must also justify the use of appropriate interactive ICT (e.g., apps, interactive games) rather than passive ICT (e.g., PowerPoint presentations) to support children’s development of science understanding, science as a human endeavour and their science inquiry skills.
Step 1: You will need to have an understanding of the EC curriculum documents, play based and inquiry-based pedagogies.
Step 2: You will need to justify why it is important to use play based and inquiry-based pedagogies to teach science in early childhood.
Step 3: Outline three/four important considerations when using play based and inquiry based pedagogies in EC.
Step 4: Explain how intentional teaching is used within these pedagogies when teaching Science.
Step 5: include two examples of how you might use appropriate ICT when teaching science with young children.
Step 6: Include two examples of appropriate technology you would use to collect documentation for assessment and reporting.