Using Jackson’s speech to Congress regarding Indian removal and the 1830 pamphlet from the Cherokee nation, discuss whether Indian removal was a democratic action taken by the federal government or an invasion of Cherokee sovereignty.10 slides
create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses the prompt above. Be sure to use evidence from both documents to support your arguments. Remember that you are trying to convince someone that you are on the right side of the argument. The presentation should be organized and fully explain your position.
Your PowerPoint should contain at least ten content slides that address the prompt, and each content slide of your PowerPoint should have at least one image.
Be sure to cite each of your images on the “References” slides at the end of your presentation, and use proper MLA format for your citations. You may delete or add reference slides from the template as needed.
Your total PowerPoint should have at least ten content slides PLUS the references slides and total at least 600 words.