Using the video: Unknown Killer Robots write a paper on the subject of Marketing within the context of, Strategic Planning & The Marketing Environment / Ethics.

Hi Class,

For this assignment you are asked to discuss the following,

Using the video: Unknown Killer Robots write a paper on the subject of Marketing within the context of, Strategic Planning & The Marketing Environment / Ethics.

The concepts in this paper should roughly correspond to chapters: 1, 2 & 3 in our textbook, using the video (Killer Robots) as your background subject matter. The primary focus of your paper will be on Marketing concepts, using the movie as your backdrop.

For instance, explain how the topic/subject regarding the development of artificial intelligence in weapons technology for military use is being used today. Why do you think so. Use chapters 1-3 to explain how marketers for certain types of companies are using AI development to further their own interests. Is this good or bad and why?

Questions you might consider within the context of this video are:

  1. What is the marketing environment and how is it related to or important for business within the context of military technology and AI?
  2. How is strategic planning being used to market these new technologies?
    • What is strategic planning and how is it related to technological development in these areas?
  3. What is marketing & how is it used within a business context?
  4. How do ethics affect the development of these technologies within a marketing context?
    • What affects do business decisions regarding AI having on the intended customer base, or humanity in general?
  5. Why is it necessary for us to know about social responsibility in business and marketing? How can these concepts be applied to AI development? Should they be? Why?
  6. Is the practice of proper ethical initiatives good for business or bad for businesses today? Why do you think that way?
    • Provide some examples from the move to support your view.

The paper will be 3-5 pages in length (page count does not include title or reference references pages.)  

The paper will be organized with an Introduction paragraph concluding in a thesis statement – body paragraphs supporting your thesis statement, and conclusion that revisits the major points made in your paper. A Cover & References Page will be included as well, though do not count toward the length requirement.

  • Please use the Sample Paper as your formatting guide.
  • Please also visit the writing center or UpSwing, prior to submitting this paper.

Please use a minimum of 4 sources. Use 2 outside sources (these could come from Forbes or Investopedia or some other site) – our textbook – and the video itself. Use these sources to back up the points you make in your paragraphs, supporting your thesis statement.

Remember, the question you are answering is: Is the marketing and development of AI for military use good or bad? 

Papers will be graded using the Andrew College Business Administration Rubric to Evaluate Written Work.


Citation Tips

Use the Purdue Owl to make sure your citations are correct: to an external site.

Use UpSwing to help with APA citation as well.

Here’s you movie citation:


(Sweet, 2023).


Sweet, J. (2023, June 29). Unknown Killer Robots [Video]. YouTube. to an external site.

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