Describe the assignment: This is an opportunity for the students to examine and apply the information they have learnt in the class to the real-world water related issues. The research paper is based on the proposal you will submit at the beginning of the term. The research paper should be between 8-10 pages which can be 2500 to 3000 words. At least 8 references are expected.
What are the issues?
Itβs causes and impacts?
What is being done about it?
4. Study Area, if any
5. Main Analysis based on your objectives
6. Conclusions
7. References
Note: Maps and figures: If you are exceeding 10 written pages, you can include your maps and figures under Appendix
Conclusions (3) should be precise. Make sure no new information is sneaked into the conclusion. Recap of your research paper. Were you able to prove/disapprove your thesis statement? What are the research gaps you identified in your research topic? 3 marks
Recap- 1 + thesis statement prove/disapprove- 1 + identify gaps- 1= 3 marks
References (2); use the academic style of reference. At least 8 references with 6 peer-reviewed journal articles using APA style. 2 marks