Week 1 Assignment- Exploring Legal and Ethical Foundations of Information Security: Navigating Regulatory Constraints and Ethical Expectation

As a fundamental part of the SecSDLC investigation process, a careful examination of current legislation, regulation, and common ethical expectations of both national and international entities provides key insights into the regulatory constraints that govern business. This week examines several key laws that shape the field of information security, and it presents a detailed examination of computer ethics necessary to better educate those implementing security. Although ignorance of the law is no excuse, it is considered better than negligence). This module also presents several legal and ethical issues that are commonly found in today’s organizations, as well as formal and professional organizations that promote ethics and legal responsibility. Ethics plays a large role in information security. 
For this assignment, you will select an ethical dilemma related to information security (it could be something you encountered or a scenario from the textbook). Then write a summary of the following:
  • Describe the dilemma and whether it was handled appropriately according to the laws and ethics.
Address the following questions to help describe the dilemma: 
  1. Which laws were being violated? 
  2. Was the dilemma handled ethically? 
Submission Guidelines:
  • Provide a well-structured summary with a minimum of 250-400 words
  • Use a minimum of 2 citations. Use APA citation style for in-text citations.
  • The summary should be well-organized, clear and concise, demonstrating professionalism and attention to detail.
  • Ensure proper grammar, spelling, and formatting. 
Important: To access the submission page and review the grading rubric for your summary, please click on the link for the assignment. Remember that you can only submit your summary once, so it’s recommended to utilize the Plagiarism check available on the Getting Started Page. This tool allows you to check your plagiarism report multiple times for any necessary revisions. Additionally, there is no limit to the number of times you can submit your paper. 

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