Week 8 Assignment: Addressing Cultural Issues with the NASW Standards and Indicators for Cultural Competence

Using the NASW Standards and Indicators for Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice Links to an external site. and the Week 8 Assignment Template [DOCX], complete the following: In the second column, align your recommendations for the Ruby Lake community or the Longley community in response to each of the ten NASW standards and indicators. Your responses should be backed by scholarly sources from your text, additional readings, and (or) research. Additional Requirements Your assignment should also meet the following requirements: Written communication: Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology. Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing. Resources: Use 6–8 resources published within the last five to seven years. Use the Disaster Management Research for Social Work Library Guide Links to an external site. for research resources and library tools. APA: Use Academic Writer Links to an external site. for in-text citation guidance for sources and formatting in proper APA style. See the Writing Center Links to an external site. for more APA resources specific to your degree level. Format: Single-spaced typing using a Word table with 2 columns and a reference list page. Font and font size: Times New Roman 12-point font; double-spaced. Academic Integrity and Honesty: You must adhere to academic integrity and honesty policies and incorporate practices that support ethically sound work in your assignments. View Academic Integrity at Capella University: Some Guidelines Links to an external site.. Before you submit your assignment, carefully read the grading criteria in the Addressing Cultural Issues With the NASW Standards and Indicators for Cultural Competence rubric to ensure you understand all of the requirements for success.

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