What are the effects of diuretics, fluid restriction, exercise and diet changes compared to diuretics alone on the symptoms of patients with congestive heart failure?

Literature Review:

a. Submission #1

i. PICO(T) Worksheet

b. Submission #2 (including all edits from Submission


i. Title Page

ii. Introduction

iii. Methodology

iv. Synthesis of the Literature

v. References Page

c. Submission #3 (including all edits from Submission


i. Title Page

ii. Abstract

iii. Introduction

iv. Methodology

v. Synthesis of the Literature

vi. Gaps in the Literature

vii. Implications for Further Research

viii. Implications for Practice

ix. Conclusion

x. References Page

. In the Literature Review Paper, the student will demonstrate knowledge of the existing literature related to the research topic.

2. This assignment serves to enable nursing students to practice the research skills needed to support evidence-based nursing practice.

3. Students completing this assignment will perform a comprehensive literature review according to the required assignment submissions.

4. Sections to be included:

a. Submissions #1:

i. PICO(T) Question Worksheet

b. Submission #2:

i. Title Page:

1. Contains a clear and concise title reflective of the research focus.

ii. Introduction:

1. Based on evidence and leading to the research topic includes a statement of the research problem, the purpose of the study, rationale for the study, the potential value of the

review, and a clearly stated research question using PICO(T) format.

iii. Methodology:

1. Type of research conducted by the student

2. Databases utilized to find the identified primary resources

3. Keywords utilized to identify appropriate primary research articles

4. Resources utilized to find the identified primary resources

5. Inclusion/exclusion criterion

6. Number of articles identified at the start of the literature search and continuing

throughout the searching process upon application of the inclusion/exclusion.

7. What type of research was included in the paper post-inclusion/exclusion criterion? i.e., Qual. vs. Quan. vs. Mixed-Methods. (This sets the foundation for the Critique of the

Literature section.)

iv. Synthesis of the Literature:

1. Demonstrates a strong grasp of the knowledge of the existing literature in the research

area of interest by synthesizing and integrating selected articles.

v. References

c. Submission #3:

i. Title Page

ii. Abstract

1. Developed according to APA 7th ed. formatting.

iii. Introduction

iv. Methodology

v. Synthesis of the Literature

vi. Gaps in the Literature:

1. What missing pieces or insufficient information was found in the research of literature?

vii. Implications for Further Research:

1. What impact might your research have on future research or policy decisions?

viii. Implications for Nursing Practice

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