1. Use the attached case study and create the paper following the document labeled GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW. The paper will consist of 5 paragraphs. The headings are already provided. Read the case study and draft each section of the paper using the notes on the side from the Sample Guidelines to follow the attachment. The sources are already provided to reference your definition of Training Management and the additional source to describe the sub-competency to use, which will be “Risk assessment”.
a. Introduction
b. The NCO C3 of Operation
c. Case Study Example
d. Insights Derived from the Example
e. Conclusion
· Note: Follow the exact format of the example given. The order in which each question is asked should be where the answer needs to be rather than in paragraphs 1 or 2. Do not insert any of your opinions, interpretations, deductions, or comments when providing examples from the case study. So, in other words, all the side notes with instructions should be answered precisely how it is using the case study.
2. Use the INSTRUCTIONS TO FOLLOW document to write the paper and answer the questions highlighted in the example using the lens of NCO C3 lens of Training Management.
3. Use the definition in TC 7-22.7 to define training management and choose 1 or 2 sub-competencies of Training Management from TC 7-22.7 to answer the questions from the case study to build the paper.
4. Use ATP 5-19 as the additional source to describe the sub-competency.
5. Use TC 7-22.7 to explain how senior roles employ the sub-competency.