What is meant by technological determinism, and how is this different from a social shaping of technology approach?

it should including  below moudles main pionts 

Reading responses are critical reflections on the course materials. The prompts below have been provided in each module to guide your reflection. 

You do not need to answer every prompt. You are welcome to craft your assignment based on any of the questions included in the prompts; we are marking more for quality and the level of engagement we can see with the course content.

It is important that you draw connections between the weekly themes, but how you do that is up to you. In order to achieve this, it is a good rule of thumb to use course materials from each week in your response. Some folks might find it helpful to use multiple questions, while others might have enough to say based off of only one question. You have a lot of freedom in terms of what your assignment looks like! 

You are expected to refer to at least three resources from the course in your reading response. The 3 course materials you should be referencing are only the peer-reviewed academic sources (i.e. the readings). However, I encourage you to also incorporate the other materials (videos, online articles, etc.) in addition to those three.

Your reading response must be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 600 words.

  1. What is meant by technological determinism, and how is this different from a social shaping of technology approach?
  2. Do you think that the internet is good for democracy? Why or why not?

From Week 4:

  1. How did the cellular system present a solution to the capacity problem of earlier radio and telephone systems?
  2. In what sense was the advent of short message service (SMS) an important turn in the evolution of mobile communication?
  3. What are some of the controversies related to health, the environment, and other social and cultural implications of how we use mobile technologies? What can we do to address these concerns?

From Week 5:

  1. What is the relationship between mobile technologies and participatory culture?
  2. According to Hartmann, how does studying the infrastructure of mobile technologies help us to understand the impact of technology on human life?
  3. According to Hassan, what is the β€œnetwork effect” and how has it impacted us? More specifically, how does our increasingly digital society influence democracy, as well as our reality and perception of truth? Is this rapid change disorienting, or do we harmoniously evolve with technology? 

From Week 6:

  1. In what ways are knowledge and information different from each other? Why is this relevant in understanding the knowledge economy and creative industries?
  2. What are the four models of the creative industries proposed by Cunningham and Potts?
  3. In what ways are technology, industry, and the culture of games linked? What do mobile technologies offer the gaming industry, compared to other forms of games (such as consoles)?
  4. According to Woods, how does playing PokΓ©mon Go influence power dynamics in real life? Does this influence include live-streaming platforms, such as Discord or Twitch? For example, how do platforms such as Twitch or Discord influence our concepts of space and time? What power dynamics are revealed by the players in a livestream, as well as their viewers?
  5. As mobile gaming continues to expand as an industry, how might social institutions such as governments, city planners, or education systems, respond? 

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