Here is the STRUCTURE that I need:
1. The
petition – who brought the case and on what basis? Where was it heard?
2. Background
– brief discussion of circumstances in which case arose.
– brief discussion of circumstances in which case arose.
3. Overview
of proceedings – how long? Did the court reach a judgment?
of proceedings – how long? Did the court reach a judgment?
4. The
position of the parties – what did each side argue? On what basis
did they make their arguments? (a paragraph each)
position of the parties – what did each side argue? On what basis
did they make their arguments? (a paragraph each)
5. Discussion
– what were the key points of contention?
– what were the key points of contention?
6. Judgment
– what did the court say? (this should be where most of the study, where most of the answer comes from/the longest section)
– what did the court say? (this should be where most of the study, where most of the answer comes from/the longest section)
7. Conclusion
– what was the outcome? How is this case significant?
– include your analysis in judgment and conclusion
The first link is an example that I’ve included
You can look into and use secondary sources (it is not expected), but focus mainly and primarily on the primary sourse.
Do not use AI, as it can be detected, if you must, rephrase it.