It should be in times new roman 12 point font double spaced. It shouls be structured like
broken promises:
1. hussien mcmahon compromise
2. sykes-picot
3. balfour declaration
how the promises were broken:
1. hussien mcmahon compromise
2. sykes-picot
3. balfour declaration
comparison – i am comparing it to the following
— scenario where a parent promises their child a special outing or a toy as a reward for good behavior. The child eagerly anticipates this reward and behaves accordingly, trusting in the parent’s promise. However, when the time comes, the parent fails to fulfill their promise, offering excuses or simply ignoring the commitment altogether.
In this situation, the child experiences disappointment, frustration, and a sense of betrayal. They may feel hurt and question the trustworthiness of the parent. This broken promise not only damages the parent-child relationship but also erodes the child’s confidence and faith in future promises.
i am trying to comparing the promises to family personal life. multiple examples would be great.
I will paste some of my essays below to show how I normally write because my writing level isn’t great. If you could J stor to get majority of sources it would be lovely. I cannot use sources like wikipedia/ brittanica. It hasto be footnotes ( in text footnotes ) for every source used. and then bibliography at the end. I attached like what I have so far at the bottom. You can see how it is formatted and how it is kinda written.