1. Part One.
You need to read the review article (Assessment in Gifted Education A Review of the Literature.pdf Download Assessment in Gifted Education A Review of the Literature.pdf), and submit two high-quality questions here. Think critically about the reading, and the questions should represent your high-level thinking and engagement with the topic.
Part Two.
Create a concept map for this article to summarize different types of assessment in gifted education (one page).
Part One.
You need to read Ch 5, “Where Does Creativity Come from? What Is Creativity? Where Is Creativity Going in Giftedness?” from the supplemental textbook (Link Download Link), and submit two high-quality questions here. Think critically about the reading/chapter and the questions should represent your high-level thinking and engagement with the topic.
Part Two.
Watch this video lecture. The speaker is Dr. James C. Kaufman, one of the co-authors of the above book chapter that you read. Then, make connections between what you have read in the chapter and what you watched in this video lecture. (minimum 250 words)