Guidelines and Rubric
ENG 095/11
What does Sustainability Mean?
I. Guidelines
In a college essay you use the knowledge you have gained from class reading, discussion, note-taking, visual media, and thinking to make an argument or point in a writing. For these essays you should be exploring issues of sustainability from personal perspectives informed by the learning we are doing through the course.
For this essay you should use the essays, video, and websites to critically reflect on the following question: What does it mean to be sustainable either in your own life, in a community, or in the culture? Some things to consider
– Where in your own life can you point to practices that are, or have the potential to be, sustainable
– How are the experiences you are having and the learning you are doing having an impact on your thinking about what “sustainability” means.
This essay assignment also includes a basic writing rubric but you should also use
both the peer editing sheet, the English 095 Exit Exam Rubric, and the English 111 Exit Exam rubric when considering how to write this essay and what to include in it.