Why do human beings universally make art given that it does not share any obvious relationship with acquiring food, shelter, or reproduction? But, instead of simply thinking of your view, think of two conflicting views.
Write this assignment the way you would write a play. Come up with two characters and imagine them having a disagreement about this question, then, simply write out the dialogue. If it helps, you can make these characters contrast in more ways than one (perhaps one character is optimistic, the other pessimistic. Or, maybe one is religious, the other non-religious–or even anti-religious). Try to advance reasons why each character thinks the way the do. Instead of each character aggressively asserting their opinion with no supporting argument/evidence, think of why the character would view the nature of art one way as opposed to another.
Here are some initial starting points to consider: We make art merely to entertain ourselves (supposed this viewpoint is also pessimistic in nature about the role of art). Or, look at this viewpoint: we make art to communicate spiritual truths (suppose this viewpoint is optimistic about the role of art). Now, how would these views collide in a dialogue with one another? These are just examples. I encourage you to make up your characters/views.