Addressing the Shortage of Accounting Majors
This assignment is designed to explore the reasons behind the current shortage of accounting majors and to propose solutions to address this issue. You are encouraged to analyze the factors contributing to the decline in interest in accounting as a major and to develop actionable proposals to attract more students to the field. This question is deliberately open-ended to encourage independent thinking and an analysis of the topic. While your response should be substantiated by factual information, feel free to express your opinions throughout the paper.
You are required to write an essay of approximately 875 words addressing the following topic:
Why do you think there is a shortage of accounting majors, and what proposal(s) would you suggest to rectify this problem?
Formatting and Submission:
- The paper should be between 850 and 900 words.
- Use APA format for citations and references.
- All work submitted in this course must be your own original work; use of AI writing tools, such as ChatGPT, are prohibited in this course and will be considered a violation of academic integrity. All academic integrity violations will be reported to the office of Academic Integrity. Student work may be analyzed using tools which are designed to detect use of Generative AI.
Assessment Criteria:
- Content and Depth: Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the reasons behind the shortage of accounting majors and provides well-supported proposals to address the issue.
- Critical Thinking: Shows evidence of independent thinking, with thoughtful analysis and insights.
- Organization and Clarity: The essay is well-structured and clearly written, with logical flow and coherence.
- Research and References: Uses a variety of credible sources and correctly cites all references in APA format.
- Grammar and Style: The essay is free from grammatical errors and follows a formal academic style.
Additional Notes:
- Attached are several resources that you might find helpful to use in devleoping your response.
- I also recommend reading this article for context: The Wall Street Journal. (2023). Accounting Graduates Drop by Highest Percentage in Years. Retrieved from
- You will have an opportunity to revise and resubmit this paper after it has been reviewed. Comments and suggestions for improvement will be provided to you.