- Each Paper is 800-1000 words (not including headings, titles, and works cited).
- You can choose up to three questions to answer, so long as you reach the word count of 800-1000 words (words in titles and works cited not included).
- Write prompt question that you’re responding to as your title
- Your thesis is your response to the question
- Cite facts and figures whenever you enter them in the text
- Citation Format: (author last name year: page number(s))
- Write in your own words
- Quotes should be no more than one sentence
- List all sources you cited in your Works Cited
- Have at least two in-class reading sources if you only respond to one prompt, otherwise have at least three in-class reading sources for the entire paper. If you want, you can also add scholarly sources that are not on the syllabus on top of the quota for in-class reading sources.
- Reference readings, not lectures. Prove that you read!
- Works Cited formats:
- Article format: Author last name, first name. Year. “Article Title.” Journal TitleNumber: page range of entire article
- Here is the reference and reading:
- Benedict Anderson. 1991. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso, Chapters OneLinks to an external site., ThreeLinks to an external site., and FourLinks to an external site.
- Jason Farr. 2005. “The Westphalia Legacy and the Modern Nation-State.” International Social Science Review 3: 156-159
- Film on Friday: The World Today: Imagined Communities: On British Nationalism (2016):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15nqjGCAqd4Links to an external site.
And here is the writing prompt:
Why does Anderson argue that the nation is imagined? How does this affect our perspective of nationality? Please explain.