here on the paper below you just have to connect chapter 3 and 4 togheter and try to tie up and connect each chapter with the issue of bilinguism. Also you should try to come up with a first chapter draft
Chapter Drafts: you should research and write up one chapter of your proposed thesis (or the
project for which you prepared your thesis proposal). This chapter should be a substantive one, i.e.,
not the introduction or conclusion for the larger thesis.
In both drafts, you should present your findings and arguments in well-written, polished essay form.
Keep in mind that the draft you are presenting is understood to be a work in progress, and you
should think about presenting your draft as a way to get valuable guidance and feedback from other
class members that will help you to prepare an even stronger revised chapter. With that noted, the
more complete, more developed, and more polished the first draft you hand in, the greater the
likelihood that the counsel you get from your classmates and me will be even more targeted and
useful as you prepare the final version of it. On this note, you must provide appropriate citation in your
draft—only by doing so will you allow your readers to evaluate how well the research you’ve done supports
your conclusions.
The final draft of the chapter should be c. 15 typed, double-spaced pages (c. 4000 words). PROOFREAD—typos, misspellings, and poor grammar render your work less convincing.
Make sure and cite all your sources. Any direct quotation from a primary or a secondary source
should be put in quotation marks and cited fully. Whenever you paraphrase another author or use
another author’s ideas, you must cite the work in question. Not doing so is plagiarism. Remember
that any documented case of plagiarism on this or any other assignment in this course may result
not only in a failing grade for the assignment in question but also in a failing grade for the course.
For citation form, follow the appropriate citation guide from the library. Classical Studies and
History majors should use Chicago Notes and Bibliography Style. Humanistic Studies majors
should confer with your prospective readers to identify the most appropriate style manual to follow.
The grade on this assignment will be determined by the strength of your analysis and research, the
persuasiveness of your argument (including quality of writing), the originality of your thought,
project for which you prepared your thesis proposal). This chapter should be a substantive one, i.e.,
not the introduction or conclusion for the larger thesis.
In both drafts, you should present your findings and arguments in well-written, polished essay form.
Keep in mind that the draft you are presenting is understood to be a work in progress, and you
should think about presenting your draft as a way to get valuable guidance and feedback from other
class members that will help you to prepare an even stronger revised chapter. With that noted, the
more complete, more developed, and more polished the first draft you hand in, the greater the
likelihood that the counsel you get from your classmates and me will be even more targeted and
useful as you prepare the final version of it. On this note, you must provide appropriate citation in your
draft—only by doing so will you allow your readers to evaluate how well the research you’ve done supports
your conclusions.
The final draft of the chapter should be c. 15 typed, double-spaced pages (c. 4000 words). PROOFREAD—typos, misspellings, and poor grammar render your work less convincing.
Make sure and cite all your sources. Any direct quotation from a primary or a secondary source
should be put in quotation marks and cited fully. Whenever you paraphrase another author or use
another author’s ideas, you must cite the work in question. Not doing so is plagiarism. Remember
that any documented case of plagiarism on this or any other assignment in this course may result
not only in a failing grade for the assignment in question but also in a failing grade for the course.
For citation form, follow the appropriate citation guide from the library. Classical Studies and
History majors should use Chicago Notes and Bibliography Style. Humanistic Studies majors
should confer with your prospective readers to identify the most appropriate style manual to follow.
The grade on this assignment will be determined by the strength of your analysis and research, the
persuasiveness of your argument (including quality of writing), the originality of your thought,