write 1500 words to answer both questions single space times new romans 12 justified

Question 1

International marketers of fast-moving consumer (FMC/FMCG) food products develop and diversify their product lines with customized features and messages to different international markets. Sometimes they use specific colors, use specific language and insert signs and symbols in their messages to target and indicate meanings for their international consumers. Select fast moving consumer food product firm then:
a- Use the 9 strategic windows’ framework to discuss the motives of this FMCG for going international (7 marks).
b- Analyze and evaluate the opportunities and threats created by the social institutions which describe the cultural dynamics affecting this firm in the international market (s). Also, analyze how this international firm made use of Hofstede cultural dimensions/ low or high context cultures (8 marks).
Question 2
The dramatic growth in hospitality& tourism, especially before the recession, prompted many hotels service chains to respond by developing their technology, websites, online booking services and offline services to attract both domestic and foreign customers. Some challenges have been created on the general and industry level post Covid-19 pandemic. Select an international/global hotel service chain then:
1. Discuss how this hotel chain adapted with the technological challenge and the five porter industry forces in the international market (s). Which of these forces were posing opportunities and threats? (8 marks)
2. Analyze this hotel chain international marketing strategies as generic, growth, diversification, integration and defensive (divestiture, retrenchment, liquidation,… etc)

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