Write a comparative review essay which provides a summary and comparative and critical appreciation of the content of two journal articles

Write a comparative review essay which provides a summary and comparative and critical
appreciation of the content of two journal articles from those listed below, as well as your
considered opinion on the contribution to understanding and debate provided by the articles. (You
should provide an initial introduction to the topic covered by the articles in order to demonstrate
your understanding of the broader context of the debate). You may wish to refer briefly to
additional sources if you consider this necessary.

Aleardo Zanghellini (2020) ‘Philosophical Problems With the Gender-Critical Feminist Argument
Against Trans Inclusion’, Sage Open, April-June 2020: 114

Holly Lawford-Smith (2022) ‘Is GenderCritical Feminism Feasible?’ in Lawford-Smith, Holly. Gender-
Critical Feminism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022

Rhea Ashley Hoskin and Karen L. Blair (2022) ‘Critical femininities: a “new” approach to gender
theory’, PSYCHOLOGY & SEXUALITY, VOL. 13, NO. 1, 1–

Sarah Drews Lucas, ‘The primacy of narrative agency: Rereading Seyla Benhabib on narrativity’,
Feminist Theory, 2018, Vol. 19(2) 123143

please consult Compiling Bibliographies and Citing References
which is available on 

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