You should:
1) Perform situation analysis
2) Perform SWOT and Gap analysis (activities 1-2: 3 hrs)
3) Formulate 1 goal, 2 Operational Objectives (OO)
4) Per each OO: 2 Strategic Interventions (SI) with activities/sub-activ (activities 3-4: 3 hrs)
5) Cost 2 SI (budget plan)
6) Develop indicators for the M&E plan
7) Develop operational plan (1 SI)
8) Develop technical assistance plan (1 SI) (activities 5-8: 4 hrs)
To simplify your exercise, your plan will focus on a specific topic.
Choose a topic below:
•TB Infection control
•TB Elimination
•Choose a country and a topic: UK
your country or a country you like or where you want to work in the future. A country at high or intermediate incidence of TB where a strong TP is available, better fits the scenario for an exercise. But you are free to choose one as you wish.
Write a word file with your exercise, complemented if you wish with excel files. It can include text and tables, as you wish with a certain degree of freedom.
You should:
1) Perform situation analysis
2) Perform SWOT and Gap analysis (activities 1-2: 3 hrs)
3) Formulate 1 goal, 2 Operational Objectives (OO)
4) Per each OO: 2 Strategic Interventions (SI) with activities/sub-activ (activities 3-4: 3 hrs)
5) Cost 2 SI (budget plan)
6) Develop indicators for the M&E plan
7) Develop operational plan (1 SI)
8) Develop technical assistance plan (1 SI) (activities 5-8: 4 hrs)
•The estimated time for each part of the exercise is summarised in slide 3.
•1) Situation analysis. You describe here the background features of the country you have chosen. You can identify the country information and indicators in the WHO Global Report and in the web.
•Write a narrative word file of 2-3 pages max.
•The estimated time for each part of the exercise is summarised in slide 3.
•2) SWOT and Gap Analysis. Base yourself on the information summarised in the situation analysis, and on the examples provided in the slides (theory).
•You can be creative, in absence of real data, and ‘invent’ situations, given they fit the characteristics of the country chosen
•Write a word file of 2-3 pages max with a narrative explanations and tables as needed (SWOT analysis, but eventually a summary of the gaps).
•The estimated time for each part of the exercise is summarised in slide 3.
•3) Goal, OO; SI, activities/sub-activities
•Base yourself on situation analysis, SWOT analysis and Gap Analysis and on the examples provided in the slides (theory).
•You can be creative, in absence of real data, and ‘invent’ situations, given they fit the characteristics of the country chosen
•You can use word or excel files as you wish, based on the examples provided.
•The estimated time for each part of the exercise is summarised in slide 3.
•4) Budget plan, M&E Plan, Operational plan, Technical assistance plan
•Base yourself on situation analysis, SWOT analysis and Gap Analysis and on the examples provided in the slides (theory).
•You can be creative, in absence of real data, and ‘invent’ situations, given they fit the characteristics of the country chosen
•You can use word or excel files as you wish, based on the examples provided.