his paper must be typed, double spaced, font –Times New Roman 12 or Arial 10.
• This paper will be at least 1200 words in length. This generally equals at least 5
complete pages. This page count does NOT include the title page or Works Cited page. Do
not exceed 7 pages. If you do not meet the minimum length requirement, your grade will be
lowered accordingly.
• Any plagiarism on this paper or any of the steps in the writing process, including the
use of AI–generated text, text which does not entirely represent your own thinking or
your own writing, or self–plagiarism will lead to immediate failure of this assignment;
no revisions or rewrites will be allowed.
• You must utilize proper MLA Format, including MLA Format in–text citations AND a
proper Works Cited Page. Without these, you cannot earn a passing grade for this
Submission Steps & Grade Breakdown:
Some of the following steps are optional, but highly recommended. The completion of these
steps will not influence your grade on the final draft of this paper.
1. Submit the Outline Worksheet. This worksheet can be found in the Learning Unit
#4 folder as a Microsoft Word document that you can download. It asks you to
develop your thesis statement as well as the topic sentences for your body
paragraphs. Submit this completed worksheet in the Assignment Dropbox. I will
reply to you with feedback on your thesis & topic sentences and specific
suggestions as to how these might be revised to more successfully craft a quality
paper; if the final draft of the essay does not match the outline, you will lose any
points you earned for this step. (10% of the paper grade)
• This paper will be at least 1200 words in length. This generally equals at least 5
complete pages. This page count does NOT include the title page or Works Cited page. Do
not exceed 7 pages. If you do not meet the minimum length requirement, your grade will be
lowered accordingly.
• Any plagiarism on this paper or any of the steps in the writing process, including the
use of AI–generated text, text which does not entirely represent your own thinking or
your own writing, or self–plagiarism will lead to immediate failure of this assignment;
no revisions or rewrites will be allowed.
• You must utilize proper MLA Format, including MLA Format in–text citations AND a
proper Works Cited Page. Without these, you cannot earn a passing grade for this
Submission Steps & Grade Breakdown:
Some of the following steps are optional, but highly recommended. The completion of these
steps will not influence your grade on the final draft of this paper.
1. Submit the Outline Worksheet. This worksheet can be found in the Learning Unit
#4 folder as a Microsoft Word document that you can download. It asks you to
develop your thesis statement as well as the topic sentences for your body
paragraphs. Submit this completed worksheet in the Assignment Dropbox. I will
reply to you with feedback on your thesis & topic sentences and specific
suggestions as to how these might be revised to more successfully craft a quality
paper; if the final draft of the essay does not match the outline, you will lose any
points you earned for this step. (10% of the paper grade)
2. Submit the Annotated Bibliography listing the 4 peer–reviewed articles you found
during your research and explaining how each one of those sources will be used in
your essay to enhance your own argument. The Annotated Bibliography
Assignment and paper sample is posted in Learning Unit #4 under course content,
in the same folder as the Research Paper Assignment. (20 % of the paper grade).
3. Submit your first draft to the Writing Center at https://broward.mywconline.com/,
to receive quick feedback from one of our qualified online tutors. You will find the
link on the home page of this course. (5% of the paper grade)
4. Submit your final draft in the Assignment Dropbox in D2L, by the deadline listed
in the Syllabus. (65% of the paper grade)
Your paper will be graded based on the following elements:
• Proper essay structure, including a detailed, quality thesis statement.
• Proper grammar, spelling, syntax, and sentence mechanics.
• Proper academic tone.
• A clear, thoughtful, sophisticated, and intelligent analysis.
• The use of quality research sources.
• Proper incorporation and MLA citation of research.
during your research and explaining how each one of those sources will be used in
your essay to enhance your own argument. The Annotated Bibliography
Assignment and paper sample is posted in Learning Unit #4 under course content,
in the same folder as the Research Paper Assignment. (20 % of the paper grade).
3. Submit your first draft to the Writing Center at https://broward.mywconline.com/,
to receive quick feedback from one of our qualified online tutors. You will find the
link on the home page of this course. (5% of the paper grade)
4. Submit your final draft in the Assignment Dropbox in D2L, by the deadline listed
in the Syllabus. (65% of the paper grade)
Your paper will be graded based on the following elements:
• Proper essay structure, including a detailed, quality thesis statement.
• Proper grammar, spelling, syntax, and sentence mechanics.
• Proper academic tone.
• A clear, thoughtful, sophisticated, and intelligent analysis.
• The use of quality research sources.
• Proper incorporation and MLA citation of research.