Summary of a dicussion interveiw with Respirator Therapist ,
Ethical Discussion Final Paper
Create a logical or research paper using after carried out an
interview with a License Respiratory therapy. The goal of this paper is to
elicit a discussion regarding ethical behavior in the workplace. Questions to
ask the respiratory therapist and write on are:
1. How did you become interested in respiratory therapy?
2. Therapists are involved in many difficult situations /
scenarios. Is there one situation or scenario which you would think you could
have handled differently?
3. Have you ever been involved in an ethical dilemma?
If yes, please describe the scenario and how did you handle this
4. Considering stress is an integral component of our
jobs, how do you handle stress and find most effective in dealing with
5. As Respiratory therapist I observed that a
colleague was sharing patient’s information to a third party or
unauthorized person. Should I report the Situation only to the supervisor
or make a report.
6. What ethical issue has recently become
a significant concern for respiratory therapists and how can this be addressed?
7 The paper must containboth introduction and conclusion
The paper must answer
the above six questions Using you are expected to summarize their interview with the
therapist of their choice.
4-page double spaced
APA 7 Style
4-page (not including the cover page), typed, double
spaced, 12 pt font pape