Write a three-paragraph paper on the following topic: should the possession and use of “hard drugs” (e.g. heroin, opioids, cocaine, etc.) be decriminalized?
The following is the required structure for this assignment. I also recommend that you start each paragraph with the given sentences.
Paragraph 1: “I say that the possession and use of “hard drugs” (e.g. heroine, opioids, cocaine, etc.) should/should not be decriminalized because…”
Paragraph 2: “One might object that…”
Paragraph 3: “I reply that…”
(1) Assignment Objectives
This assignment gives you an opportunity to consolidate your learning from the past weeks and develop your own ideas on the topic. You have the freedom to choose the strongest and most interesting arguments to write about.
This assignment aims to help you achieve the learning objectives of the course, particularly objectives 2 (presenting arguments, raising objections, and replying to objections in a clear and logical manner) and 3 (making ethical judgements based on relevant and reliable information, realistic understanding of the situation, and sound reasoning). The three-paragraph structure and the tight word limit aim to eliminate distractions and enable you to focus only on the arguments.
(2) Argument Strength and Engagement
You should present a strong argument, raise a strong objection that engages the argument, and then reply to the objection. A strong argument is well developed and difficult to refute. A strong objection is well developed, deals with the most significant potential weakness(es) of the argument, and is difficult to refute. Avoid making the mistake of providing a weak argument, entertaining an obvious objection, then easily refuting the objection in your reply.
You should also make sure that your argument, objection, and reply engage one another. Your paragraph 1 should present an argument, paragraph 2 gives an objection against the argument in paragraph 1, and paragraph 3 gives a reply to the objection in paragraph 2.
(3) Scope
You may write a theoretical paper that discusses issues such as legal paternalism, or you may write a paper that deals with the practical side of the topic, focussing on issues such as the impact of legalisation on public health. However, your paper should deal with the philosophical aspects of the issue rather than a mere legislation/policy evaluation paper.
In addition, you may write a paper not specific to any particular jurisdiction. If you want to write a paper on hard drugs should be decriminalized in a particular jurisdiction, please write one on BC. This is to ensure that we can properly assess your paper.
(4) Ideas from Assigned Readings
At least one of the three components of your paper—your argument (Paragraph 1), your objection (Paragraph 2), or your reply (Paragraph 3)—must be grounded in ideas from the assigned readings. This requirement ensures that your paper incorporates course material.
(5) Appropriate Use of AI
You are allowed and, to an extent, encouraged to use AI during your writing process. This includes using AI to
generate and discuss initial and/or follow-up ideas,
receive feedback on ideas (including assessing the relevance, strengths, and weaknesses of arguments/objections/replies and soliciting objections),
proofread drafts to improve clarity, conciseness, organization, and so on.
If you use AI during your drafting process, please include a brief statement at the end of your paper to indicate how you have used it.
(6) Word Limit
Your paper should be about 500 words long (including in-text citations, bibliography, and AI use statement). The absolute word limit is 600. Mark penalty will start to apply on the 601st word.
(7) Clarity
Your assignment will be assessed partly based on clarity. One way to do so is by avoid writing long sentences and paragraphs.
(8) Citation
Please cite appropriately using the APA, MLA, or Turabian/Chicago format (“Author-Date” i.e. in-text citations + bibliography). Please note:
(i) Appropriate citation requires that you cite the assigned readings if you quote/use any ideas from them.
(ii) For greater clarity, “assigned readings” includes books, journal articles, legislation, cases, etc. found in the course material
(iii) Appropriate citation requires that you cite external sources if you quote/use any ideas from them.
(iv) For greater clarity, “external sources” refers to sources (such as books, journal articles, etc.) not assigned in this course.
(v) This assignment has no specific requirements regarding the number of external sources to be cited.
DO NOT put your name anywhere in your assignment (including in the file name) or in the comment section on Canvas. This is for anonymous marking. Violations will be subject to mark penalties.
(10) Plagiarism
You must submit your original work. This assignment gives you an opportunity to improve and achieve your learning goals. You won’t be able to do that if you plagiarise.
Discussing ideas with others is not plagiarism, but you must write your paper independently. If you have discussed your paper with someone, I suggest that you declare that in your submission. But please do not mention any names. You can provide such information when we request it later.
All submissions will go through a Turnitin plagiarism check and this requires no actions on your part. This is in accordance with the University’s policy on academic assessment (https://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/index.cfm?tree=3,41,626,0).
(11) “Corrupt Files”
In order to prevent abuse and unfairness, any corrupt files/wrong submissions will be subject to a late penalty as per the late submission policy. Please check your submission file carefully.
(12) Rubric
Marking will be based on a 5+2 criterion rubric. These 5+2 criteria are conjunctive. For instance, in order to get Competent (75-86%), a paper must receive Competent (or Excellent) on all of the first five criteria and pass on the last two criteria (the last two criteria are pass/fail). A paper will not receive Competent if it gets anything lower than Competent (i.e. Needs Improvement or Fail) on any one of the first five criteria or Fail on the either one of the last two criteria.
(13) Comments
Some of the comments that you will receive from the marker may be “in-text comments” (i.e. not in the “comment section”). Make sure that you know how to see such in-text comments. Please contact UBC’s Learning Hub to learn more about how to view assignment comments on Canvas.
(14) Multiple Attempts
This assignment allows a second attempt if a first attempt is submitted. This is the first attempt. Only the attempt with the higher grade counts towards your final grade. Try to write a good first attempt because comments on a better draft (i.e. one with stronger arguments and fewer mistakes) will help you improve it to a higher grade.
(15) Deadline
The deadline for the second attempt will be due (and adjusted if necessary) at least 7 days after the day you receive your grade and feedback on your first attempt.
(If you are interested in understanding the rationale for the design of this assignment, please see Dennis Earl (2015) “The Four-Sentence Paper: A Template for Considering Objections and Replies” & Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein (2018) “They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing”)