Write and submit here an essay highlighting the differences and the similarities between Relativism and Natural Law Theory. Be specific.
Min. Number of words 750 . Max. number of words 1500.
Times New Roman 12, double spaced, regular margins. Do not title your paragraphs. APA format (The cover page, Abstract page, and reference sheet do not count towards the minimum amount of words)
Please note that failure to submit your essay following these guidelines will result in a grade of “0”. No exceptions.
Plagiarized works will earn a grade of “0” and an investigation will be launched to evaluate the consequences to be paid for such action. Some of these consequences might be: failing the class, being put in academic probation, or even more serious punishments.
The understanding of the topic proves to be clear, strong. All major aspects of it are accounted for.
All of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author’s position.
The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader solidly understanding the writer’s position. Effective restatement of the position statement begins the closing paragraph.
The student has submitted an essay that fulfills the lenght and format requirement