Please answer 1 of the following 6 questions, in an essay of around 1000 words. Your essays must be submitted on Moodle by 4pm on Wednesday 10 January 2024.
1) Discuss three or four aspects of social life for which you believe the concept of ‘culture as ritual’ adds to our understanding and explain why. Discuss drawing on theories and concepts covered in the module.
2) What are some ways in which the body is both represented and affected through culture? Discuss drawing on theories and concepts covered in the module.
3) Who (if anyone) can be said to ‘own’ cultural practices which have been established over a period of time? Discuss, using theories and concepts employed through the course of the module, at least two examples of practices which have migrated from one cultural environment to another, and assess any ethical issues which might have accompanied such migration.
4) How might individuals be engaged in an act of ‘performance’, in the context of conducting intimate or other relationships? Discuss drawing on theories and concepts covered in the module.
5) Are individuals born with certain types of culture, do they learn it through their surroundings, or some combination of these factors? Discuss drawing on theories and concepts covered in the module.
6) How would you understand the distinction between the ‘culture industry’ as defined by Adorno and Horkheimer, and the contemporary ‘creative industries’? Assess the strengths and weaknesses of either model, with references to examples of culture, and drawing on theories and concepts covered in the module.
(Please try to use references from authors that are presenterd in notes that are attached)