If you choose The Ugly Tourist, you must analyze Kincaid’s use of repetition. Specifically,
Kincaid’s repetitive use of the word/adjective “ugly.”
● Why does Kincaid repeat the word “ugly”? Consider why she chooses this
particular word/adjective.
● What effect does it have on her subject? Make a connection to what you believe
her subject is.
● What effect does it have on her audience? Make a connection to who you believe
Kincaid’s audience is.
● What effect does it have on her purpose? Make a connection to what you believe
Kincaid’s purpose is.
Minimum 500 words (approximately two paragraphs)
● Paragraph 1:
a. An explanation of how the author develops and/or supports the argument—the
rhetorical structure of the text (for instance, comparing and contrasting, narrating,
illustrating, defining, etc.). Your explanation is usually presented in the same
chronological order that the items of support are presented in the work.
b. A statement of the author’s apparent purpose, followed by an IN ORDER TO
phrase in which you explain what the author wants the audience to do or feel as a
result of reading the work.