The five historical and theoretical events are:
- Pioneer views of ASD prior to 1900s
- Clinicians and researchers associated autism spectrum disorder with “refrigerator mothers” and childhood schizophrenia
- The standardization of diagnostic criteria for ASD, including a discussion of Ivar Lovaas’ intensive behavior therapy results
- The study published by Andrew Wakefield in 1998 suggesting that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine causes autism
- Revision of the DSM-5
Your informative essay should include the following:
- Title page in current APA style
- Provide information on each historical event
- Explain how each event was important to the study of ASD
- Explain how perceptions of ASD have changed over time
- Explain how this knowledge will help support children with ASD
- Conclusion summarizing the information
- Reference page in current APA style